The film follows the tale of two of their friends, Tara (Jenna Kanell) and Dawn (Catherine Corcoran) as they encounter the malevolent but silent Art the Clown (David Howard Thornton) on Halloween night. As the night unfolds, Art's dark games become increasingly violent and the two pals must fight to stay alive to his gruesome assault. The plot may not be groundbreaking but it's an effective vehicle for showcasing it's greatest strengths and the terrifying creature of Art the Clown.
Techniques for Creating Effects and Images of Horror
One of the most striking aspects of "Terrifier" stands out is the commitment to using practical effects. Even in a time where CGI is now the standard for directors, Leone's decision to make use of practical effects makes reference to classic terror, but also creates a visceral, tangible quality to the film's gore. The novel and gruesome kills are proof of that of the originality of the team of special effects, headed by Leone himself, who has a background as a makeup artist in SFX makeup. From the brutal dismemberment that happens to one character , or the shocking facial mutilations and slashing of another "Terrifier" extends the boundaries of the on-screen violence, and offers an incredibly terrifying experience.
David Howard Thornton's Strange Performance as Art the Clown
The main thing about "Terrifier" (blog post) that distinguishes it against other films of horror is the incredibly terrifying performance by David Howard Thornton as Art the Clown. Thornton's portrayal of the silent, menacing creature is nothing short of nightmares. With his face painted in white his exaggerated smile, as well as eyes that have been darkened, Art the Clown is an aesthetically striking character who shows a hint of malice with each step.
Thornton's physical performance is extraordinary and demonstrates a mastery of body language and facial expressions that make Art's actions infuriating. His performance is further enhanced by his silence of the dialogue, forcing the actor to rely exclusively on his body and face to communicate Art's dark motives. The silence only enhances his dreadful appearance making him one the most terrifying horror movie villains of the 21st century.
The Film's Small Budget: An ode to creativity and resourcefulness
Another thing that is impressive about "Terrifier" has to do with its ability to deliver a truly terrifying horror experience within a tight budget. The film was made for around $100,000, a tiny fraction of the amount that most horror films cost to make. However, Leone has managed to create an aesthetically stunning and deeply unsettling experience that competes with the best horror films with higher budgets.
The filmmakers' inventiveness can be seen in the film's gritty urban setting, which effectively conveys the impression of being in isolation and vulnerability. Furthermore, the film's limited budget probably played a role in the decision to employ practical effects that, as was mentioned previously can only help to increase the overall impact of the film.
A Critical Reception Response and Fan Response
"Terrifier" has been very well-received by people who have seen it and its critics, earning it a fan base within the horror community. The film has been praised by critics for its inventive practical effects, Thornton's chilling performance portrayal of Art the Clown, and its capacity to provide the most terrifying experience possible on an extremely low budget. The fans of the genre have embraced the film due to its unapologetic brutality, unsettling atmosphere, and memorable villain.
In the end, Damien Leone's "Terrifier" is an exemplary example of what can be done with creativity, resiliency and a profound understanding of what makes horror truly frightening. With its horrifying practical effects, David Howard Thornton's unsettling portrayal of Art the Clown, and its impressive accomplishment on an extremely limited budget "Terrifier" deserves its spot among the best cinematic horrors of today. For those who love the genre this film isn't to be left out.
Directed by: Damien Leone
Starring: David Howard Thornton, Jenna Kanell, Samantha Scaffidi
Launch Date: 15 October 2016
Rating: 94/100